North America World Park
The northern Rockies stretching through the Yukon are home to some of the largest expanses of natural landscape and wilderness in North America. As increasing human populations and industrial activities creep further into this ecosystem, it becomes even more important to conserve it.
The area stretching from the Tetons in Wyoming to the Wrangell-St. Elias Mountains in Alaska is an ideal candidate for a World Park due to its limited infrastructure, high ecological and biological diversity and global potential for mitigating climate change.
Scroll down to explore how World Parks, Inc. is working to create the North America World Park.
Areas such as Yellowstone and Banff National Parks are among the most well-known and studied protected ecosystems on the planet. However, connecting these and many other existing protected areas (as seen highlighted here) would create a massive wildlife corridor and intact ecosystem.
By building off of existing conserved and protected areas, we are expediting the process of large-scale landscape conservation by filling in the missing areas of interest.
Based on an assessment using data from the UN Environment Program and the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool, this proposed World Park would include nearly 1,400 species on the IUCN Red List, over 1,600 existing protected areas and more than 30 Key Biodiversity Areas.
Scroll down to explore how World Parks, Inc. is defining the North America World Park.
Ecologically speaking, it is more beneficial to have larger, connected areas of protection than to have smaller, disjointed areas. The North America World Park will be a bold and innovative solution to environmental protection and international cooperation.
The North America World Park will cross international borders and cover over 250,000 square miles of primary forest, river systems and mountain regions.
We see this as necessary to ensure the world meets the conservation goals set out by the global scientific community.